Signs When Backflow Preventer Needs Repair

Signs When Backflow Preventer Needs Repair

No photo description available.Many homeowners face backflow problems when the normal flow of water is blocked and mixed with dirty water, which may happen due to changes in water pressure. Consuming contaminated water is dangerous to health, so regular backflow testing is essential for every homeowner and building owner. Sometimes the water connection is kept on hold if found that the standard still needs to be completed. In many countries, it is mandatory to do annual testing, or else you may get fined for it.


Backflow preventers are installed to prevent contaminated water from mixing with clean water. It ensures that the water we are using is clean and non-toxic. But it is only a device, and it sometimes wears out. Sometimes it may be time to change your backflow preventer, but you aren’t aware of it. So how to know when to look for “backflow repair near me?

Today we will discuss the signs indicating that your backflow preventer needs repairing.

Getting water leakage

As we mentioned above, these devices wear out with time so you will experience water leakage. It may happen due to an old rubber part letting water pass through it. While it seems a minor problem, you may feel you can fix it yourself, but you can do it properly if you have a backflow testing kit. The leakage may also happen due to some corrosion in the regulator. When you see water leakage from various parts of the preventer, it is a sign that you should replace it. Call a professional plumber and get it fixed rather than doing it yourself, or you may cause more damage than repair.

You are experiencing reduced water pressure.

When you experience slow water flow in any of your home tapes like the bathroom sink or the kitchen faucet- it is a sign of backflow, and your backflow prevention needs repair. If your backflow prevention is worn out, it will create a vacuum-like effect in the plumbing system. It slows down the water flow more than its average speed. 

Weird taste from the water

Water tasting weird, mostly sulfur-like, is a sign that it is infected and is now unsafe for drinking. If you continue drinking this water, you may suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain etc. If you get any weird taste from the water, you should immediately repair your backflow preventer. 

Stain in Water

When you see water coming out pink, brown, or yellow, it indicates that the water is contaminated and your backflow prevention needs immediate repair. If you have noticed that your water is not only tasting weird but also has a discolouration, you should immediately call your plumber and repair the backflow preventer. Call your plumber immediately for reparation because drinking this water will only harm your health.

Smells odd

Besides taste and color, smelling odd is another sign of water contamination. If you get a weird smell while opening any home tape, it’s a sign of backflow, and you should repair it soon. 

Sluggish Drainage 

Sluggish drainage is a typical indication of obstructs or build-ups in water pipes, yet it could likewise show the presence of discharge and polluted water. If you notice slow drainage in your home drainage, it is a clear sign of backflow. You should you’re your plumber and get it fixed. 

Final words

Backflow preventers stop the unclean supply of water. It ensures clean water everywhere, from residential to any organization. It is also equally important because it is related to our health. Therefore, make sure that you do your backflow testing regularly and if you have missed it, then look for the signs and get your backflow prevention repaired as soon as possible. After all, health is wealth. 

Contact us 732 735 9318 if you are getting any backflow issues at your place or require any rpz backflow device. We deal with all kinds of backflow issues.


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