Backflow Installation
Backflow can be installed in three places, such as –
Inside a vault – This is not the very best option because of the following reasons
- Vaults can get flooded thus damaging the backflow assembly. According to a poll of engineers and water jurisdictions people, during a webinar 70% said they are aware of vaults flood.
- Work together to protect existing infrastructure and plan for future assets
- Be a valued partner in urban and land use planning to create more liveable, climate resilient and sustainable communities
- Facilitate the timely provision of fit-for-purpose water services in support of land development
Inside a building – This is an option if you don’t have ground space outside the building, but it also has its disadvantages, such as RPZs can't be installed below grade as they are designed to dump water to protect the water system. When the user will stop using water, the water between the valves is sent away into the relief valve. This reduces water pressure for the user, but all that extra water will flow out from the relief valve and will continue to do so until the water source is stopped. This can cause a storm like situation, wherever the assembly is installed.

Outside the building and above ground and protected by an enclosure - This is the safest way to install a backflow prevention assembly. Things you need to know –
- Make sure your enclosure manufacturer complies with the ASSE 1060 standard.
- Backflow enclosures can be built using aluminum, fiberglass, or cages. It would mainly depend on the location and the type of back =flow prevention assembly you are using.
- The size of the enclosure can vary by the size of the device, and the type.
Commercial Backflow Preventer Installation
Types of businesses that are required to install a backflow preventer include:
- Restaurants
- Dry cleaners
- Medical offices
- Funeral homes
- Laundry
- Beauty and nail salons
- Car washes
- Multi-tenant retail space
- Any commercial building three stories or taller
- Any commercial space with a dedicated fire service line / sprinkler system
- Churches with baptismal pools

The hazard which can be caused by the backflow is evaluated by the type of business, how it uses water, what type of equipment or appliances are connected to the building’s water supply system.
Businesses that present a potential backflow hazard are required to install the appropriate backflow prevention device and have it tested annually. If your commercial property already has a backflow preventer, you’re responsible for having it tested annually by a third-party Backflow Tester. We are certified by ASSE to do a thorough Backflow testing in the New Jersey area.